20 Jul

You have already experienced the pain or in the midst of it regardless of where you are in the journey, fight the good fight of faith and endure to the end.  The saying, "no pain, no gain" is not just a cliché but based on my experience, I have always grown through the pain, not just going through it but growing through it.  Keep a positive mindset and always look for the lesson in the circumstance.  If you are looking for the lesson in the situation, telling yourself that this situation did not come to break you but to make  you stronger, you are then able to switch your focus and your thoughts allowing you to manage the outcome.  The reason you may become disillusioned with the situation is because you are unable to predict the outcome or do not know what the outcome will be.  Therefore shift your mindset to the outcome you would like it to be

Remember, someone believes in you so do not give up.  Think of someone who is going to benefit from your experience or even someone who is inspired by you...that someone is the person who is always cheering you on...we all have someone or  maybe two in our life who sees the good in just about every situation and pushes us beyond our limit.  For me that is my husband, my children and my grandchildren. Allow yourself to see you overcoming every hurdle you encounter.  Take one step at a time until you reach the finish line.  Each and every step continuously and automatically moves you forward. Get through one moment, one instance, one step, one minute, one hour, one day and eventually you will make it to the end.  

Rest if you must, pace yourself, be consistent, remain faithful, glance but don't linger your glance  too long or allow it to become a gaze on the distance you have covered because that is not the direction you are going...glance back but move forward and keep your eyes on the prize...your goal that you have  set your mind on.  Remember, practice + daily improvement + time = Genius.  Visualize yourself celebrating your achievement until you achieve it! You are a genius.

Look at the BIG picture and think on why you started the course until you finish the journey.  It is always easier to start a project than there is to finish that project.  Focus on finishing what you started and believe in yourself as you use every hurdle or bump in the road to propel you to the finish line.  If you stop before you finish, you will never know what you would have accomplished had you stopped.  Regardless of the outcome, learn along the way, enjoy the journey because the journey is more eventful than the arrival.  Earn your reward by fighting to the end and by taking your power back. Finishing allows you to turn your pain into power because in the end, you WIN!

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